If you are not able to make garden Workdays, you can complete your required community hours through Special Projects. You must contact the Land Use committee or Steering Committee by emailing wcs.steeringcommittee@gmail.com prior to working on Special Projects.
Once you have coordinated with the Steering Committee on a Special Project and have completed them, enter your hours on the sign-in sheet on the binder in the tool shed. Please print legibly. Note that you may not receive credit for hours in the garden that you perform on your own if you do not coordinate with the Steering Committee.
Special Projects tasks could include the following tasks but you must coordinate with the Steering Committee first. There is additional information on how to complete these tasks below.
- Chop up greens for use in composting. Sift the passive compost pile. Turn piles in the palleted areas. See instructions in the shed for more details.
- Fill the green bins and put them out for pickup by Thursday evening and/or bring the empty bins in on Friday.
- Remove oxalis from all areas of the garden. Use the Hula hoes to remove. See below.
- If you see something that needs doing and is not on this list, please email wcs.steeringcommittee@gmail.com to put it on the list of Special Projects.
Turning compost piles and chopping greens for composting

This is an ongoing project. For instructions, see the section on composting.

Invasive Weed Removal everywhere – Oxalis
Found nearly everywhere in the garden – in the common areas, herb beds, in the orchard and on the pathways – removing oxalis and putting them into the Bad Weed corral at the southwest corner of the garden is an ongoing task. Oxalis is pictured to the right.
For more information about invasive weeds, go to our weed page.

Cape Ivy Removal
There are large patches of Cape Ivy needing eradication toward the back of the garden near the New Guinea impatiens. These go in the bad weeds corral.

Elm Shoots Removal
Elm shoots grow from the northwest to the southwest corner (the fence along 7th Avenue). These can also be removed and put in the bad weed corral.

Lillies in all areas
The lillies can be pulled and the area sheet mulched between the cutting garden and the 7th Avenue fence. There are bulbs beneath the ground that also need to be dug up and put in the bad weed bin.

Ehrharta and other weeds in southwest corner
There are patches of weeds just to the west of the raspberry patch. They can be pulled and the area sheet mulched.

Clearing frames to prevent rot
See the page on Plot Rot Prevention to learn how to do clear frames.
Some of the more buried plots will simply have to be replaced, but there are many plots that need the mulch and soil scraped away from the sides so they don’t rot.
Soil pulled from this project can go into the pile just to the east of the greenhouse (behind the wooden box).

Border clean up
Brick and stone border linings around the garden get overgrown and covered.
This is along many of the paths and around the herb beds in the garden.
Take out any invasive weeds and clear anything away from the bricks and stones.